Your furry friends affect the environment of your home, it’s that simple.

Of course, much of this is positive — you get slobbery greetings when you walk in from work, have a built-in warning that the UPS truck is coming, and have a creature that loves you unconditionally (unless it’s a cat — then, there are conditions).

For as many positive qualities as pets bring to the home, they also have a few negative ones as well.

Indeed, unless you have a naked cat or a dog that doesn’t shed, your pet is negatively contributing to your home’s air quality.

The Effect of Pets On Air Quality

Dog hair is perhaps the greatest contributor to poor home air quality as it relates to pets. Even if you sweep and vacuum religiously after your pup, the hair remains. In fact, dog hair can become woven between the fibers of your carpet, the upholstery of your couch, and the crevices in your closets.

Between the dog hair that you don’t manage to sweep up and the hair that doesn’t embed into fabric, the rest of the hair gets sucked into your home’s HVAC system.

Dog Hair Gets Stuck

Dog hair tends to clog air conditioning filters, furnace units, and even home air quality systems.

Even if you aren’t allergic to dogs, having anything clogging an HVAC unit is a threat to air quality and even safety of your HVAC system. It’s not just a matter of polluting your air with allergens and toxins found in dog hair (although that’s a concern, too). Dog hair can also fundamentally damage your air conditioning unit and furnace.

Dog hair gets trapped in your filters before it enters the machinery of your air conditioner. This is the job of a filter, after all. But, when too much dog hair gets stuck, it impedes the ability for your filter to do its job. As such, your air conditioning unit loses efficiency and must work that much harder to suck air.

Result? Your utility bills go up, your air conditioning fan might break down, and you’ll need to spend money on HVAC repair.

Proper HVAC Maintenance For Pet Households

HVAC experts recommend that homeowners with pets clean their air filters twice as frequently as non-pet homes.

If you have a dog, you should be changing your HVAC filters every three months — at a minimum. If you aren’t sure where to locate your filter, what types of filters to use, or how to change them out, it behooves you to contact your local HVAC repair company. We can replace your filters and check to make sure everything else is running smoothly.

For those who haven’t changed their filters as frequently as HVAC experts recommend, it’s worth calling for HVAC repair and service.

If your air conditioning unit hasn’t been working effectively, your utility bills are oddly high, or your El Monte home isn’t as cool as you’d like, call Cool City Air Conditioning today.

Schedule an HVAC repair appointment online or visit us today in El Monte!